Yea, exam had ended, much of the tough fight.
Alright, lemme report bout the exam stats
BM: dunno yet but i think i'm kinda... screwed up... sorry
BI: ueheheheh.jpeg
SC: Sorry to say but Reproduction ain't my cup of tea and i gotta fight a horde of it. Barely made it with 81%
MATH: Seems like i got problem with Algebraic again... but not expressions. it's just the formulae. Gotta cram back. Oh yea, most of the Q's are Algebraic Formulae, thus i got 75%, which is B+.. sorry.
Geography: Increasement of 3% from b4, which is 83% from 80% orz :\
History: How to put this..... AWESOME! from 80% to 93%... seems like i've developed a new skill to study this. tbh i was watching Animelo Summer Live -evolution- 2010 while studying.... and it proved to be effective *w*
P.Islam. : I've fought hard for this one... Hard is hard but i've done my best. Dunno the result yet.
K. Hidup: I LOVE LIVING SKILLS!!! XDXDXD. oh lol, thanks to my brother, code-named latemart's courses in Japan which is through JAD(Japanese Association Degree) which the requirements are Mechanical and Engineering. Relating to the courses, only KH are related. Thus i've put this in my heart and loved it, and you know what? i got an increasement from 60% to 85% !!!! Seriously, i really hate KH b4 this, but i'm loving it now lol :D
Alright, that's it for exams. Now i got news to share :
Well, that's the AFS interviews list. And as you can see, all of my friends from MARA Junior Science College, only me apply for JENESYS, which is to Japan for 2 weeks while the others are IP, Intensive Program for abour 6-8weeks and to other countries. Well, that's a set. I'll just need to wait for their letters for the date and venue details and i'm on for the interviews. I dunno what to say but i'm kinda happy to be listed. I'll do my best for the interviews. Gotta start practicing now.
Oh yea, i thought of writing a review for galge 'Akane iro ni Somaru Saka', it's been a while since my last review which isabout Shuffle! Essence+. Maybe later.
Later guys :3
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