Saturday, December 24, 2011

[Game]Drum Mania / DTXMania

As the title says, i'm sure this game is quite well known for arcade(maybe not for PC).
Well, skip the experience talk and let's go to the deal.
If you don't know drum parts and stuffs, wiki will tell you:

And for the game info:

Basically, drum mania is like o2Jam, or stepmania if you like, just that it's concentrate to drums, guitar and bass.(normally drums)
How'd you play it?

What's fun is there's a lot of anime songs to play. And the sound of beating drums gives me more excitement than playing stepmania IMO. Would be a good practice if you're a drummer and happened to have a drum kit.

Where to get the game?
here you go:

Where to get the songs?
Well, you could go ahead and google for them.
But i reckon these 2 sites, they're loaded with 'em
and this one loaded with anime and eroge/VN(seriously, didn't expect this XD) songs
site in Japanese but you should be able to locate the rest of the songs entries at the left side without using translates.

The game could be played with keyboards or drum kit(didn't have one so i dunno how you'd get it connected).
first timers might have it tough since you gotta control all of the drum including the bass drum(see drum kit's wiki).
So you could set it as auto for certain drum parts that you want.

There's guitar and bass also, but i don't play them pretty much as it's pretty hard on keyboard so i'll leave it to figure 'em by yourself.
Honestly, i like this one more than o2Jam/stepmania or osu since the beats are exciting. Anyone who played o2/stepmania or osu out there should give it a try. it's cool one you're good with it.

More infos are hot in google and fresh from the officials.
Enjoy then.

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